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Don's Hyperthyroidism, CRF, and hypertension Links:


feline-hyperT Yahoo! Group - A support list for people whose cats have been diagnosed as hyperthyroid (hypothyroid also welcome). To share information and experiences.

Hyperthyroidism in the Cat - Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Pet Health Topics

Radioactive Iodine Treatment of Hyperthyroid Cats - Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine

Feline Hyperthyroidism - David Bruyette, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM. WSAVA 2001 Proceedings

Dr. Bruyette's Home Page - Click "Dr D. Bruyette" on the left, then click "Feline Endo Update" or "Hyperthyroidism."

Hyperthyroidism Page - MarVista Vet.

Feline Hyperthyroidism - Winn Feline Foundation.

Feline Hyperthyroidism - Long Beach Animal Hospital.

Feline Hyperthyroidism - Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists.

Hyperthyroidism in Cats - Pawprints and Purrs

Efficacy and safety of once versus twice daily administration of methimazole in cats with hyperthyroidism - PubMed abstract. Recommends twice daily administration of methimazole.

Bioavailability of transdermal methimazole in a pluronic lecithin organogel (PLO) in healthy cats - PubMed abstract on the use of transdermal cream of methimazole (Tapazole)

Transdermal methimazole treatment in cats with hyperthyroidism - PubMed abstract. This one is newer (April, 2003). It reports the effectiveness of transdermal methimazole.

Chronic Kidney Failure (CRF)

Feline-CRF-Support Yahoo! Group - "The Big CRF List." The original email list about Chronic Renal Failure in cats, started in February 1997. This is a caring, supportive, safe place to share your feelings, get information, and exchange ideas. You'll find people in all stages of the disease here from the worried newcomers, to the seasoned "old hands", to the grief-stricken who have recently lost a beloved companion, to those whose CRF kitties have passed on and stay here to lend a hand.

Feline CRF Information Center - Avatar's site. Full of very comprehensive information on feline CRF.

Tanya's UK Feline CRF Information Centre - Another site with comprehensive information on feline CRF.

Assessment of Renal Function: What Can Be Done In Practice - 27 WSAVA Congress.

Effect of Benazepril in Chronic Renal Insufficiency in Cats: Interim Results from the Benric Clinical Trial - 27 WSAVA Congress.

Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Hypertension and kidney disease - Animal Health Trust, UK.

Feline Hypertension: Diagnosis and Management - 27 WSAVA Congress.

Feline Hypertension: Clinical Findings and Response To Antihypertensive Treatment in 30 Cases - VSPN

Feline Hypertension - Long Beach Animal Hospital.

Hypertension in Dogs and Cats - Newman Veterinary Medical Services.

Hypertension in Renal Diseases and Failure. The Practical Aspect - 27 WSAVA Congress.

Hypertension-Hypotension. Blood Pressure Measurements in Dogs And Cats - 27 WSAVA Congress.

Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Hypertension in Dogs and Cats - 27 WSAVA Congress.

Management of Systemic Hypertension in Cats - WSAVA 2001.