Calcitriol for Cats & Dogs - Reference Site

This web site provides information for veterinarians and pet owners considering the use of calcitriol to treat dogs and cats with chronic renal failure (CRF).  The primary documents (see menu on the left) are the work of Drs. Nagode and Chew, the veterinary researchers who pioneered the use of calcitriol in small animals.  All should read.  The site also includes links to other web information on calcitriol, selected research abstracts, quotes from books, papers, and articles, and e-mail comments from veterinarians and pet owners. Last, the site includes a Calcitriol Administration section (see menu immediately below) which details how to proceed once the decision to administer calcitriol has been made.  I appreciate your comments, criticisms and suggestions.     

David Jacobson

Other David Jacobson CRF Sites


Calcitriol Adminstration 




This web site is a product of me, David Jacobson, and is maintained for the benefit of members of the Feline Calcitriol User Group, veterinarians, cat and dogs owners, and others interested in the use of compounded calicitriol to treat cats and dogs with chronic renal disease (CRD).  My thanks to Drs. Larry Nagode and Dennis Chew for allowing me to post their professional work here and to Dr. Nagode for his assistance in creating and maintaining this site.   If you are now using or have used calcitriol to treat your own CRF pet, please email me your personal story for posting here!  Your comments, suggestions and criticisms about this site are welcome and appreciated.  David Jacobson, Arlington, VA